Package-level declarations

Material 3-style components that aren't included in Google's official library, designed to be consistent with those components.


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A padding modifier used in the setup elements.


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fun MainSwitch(title: String, checked: Boolean, onCheckedChange: (Boolean) -> Unit?)
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fun Tip(text: String, modifier: Modifier, icon: Int, onClick: () -> Unit? = null)

A tip - a round surface with an icon and text.

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fun TwoButtons(positiveAction: () -> Unit, positiveText: String, negativeAction: () -> Unit?, negativeText: String = stringResource(R.string.btn_back), showNegative: Boolean = true, disablePositive: Boolean = false)

A negative (outlined, on the left) and positive (filled, on the right) button. Useful in setup wizards.

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fun TwoButtonsRaw(positiveAction: () -> Unit, positiveText: String, negativeAction: () -> Unit?, negativeText: String = stringResource(R.string.btn_back), showNegative: Boolean = true, disablePositive: Boolean = false, modifier: Modifier = Modifier)